Tuesday, March 15, 2016

System update March 15th 2016

Check out what we've released this week!

If you have the one45 permission to use the Competency reports, you will see a change for head forms options.

Previously, in groups that had head evaluator forms, there were two options for reporting on evaluation data in a competency report:

If your group had head evaluators for only some of the rotations,  you couldn't report on all of your data together in one report.

Now you can!

These options have now been removed and the logic has now been updated so that:

  • if it is a normal form (no head form), it will be counted in the report
  • if it is a head evaluator form, it will be counted in the report
  • if it is a contributing form (i.e. has an associated head form), then it won’t be counted in the report

We hope you like the update!

Thursday, March 10, 2016

System Update, March 9th 2016

Check out what we've released this week!

If you have the one45 permission to report on Logs and use Log Exports, you will see a change in the log export options. 

Before, there were options to include the rotation and site name in the report, which resulted in an extra column called rotation/site name being added to the report, as well as an option to show the results regardless of rotation. When the two items were chosen together, the rotation column was added, but was blank.

Now, we have updated it so that the rotation column is no longer an option but is always included in the report, and the show 
regardless of rotation option has been renamed to “Show results from this log across all groups (will not show the “Rotation Name” column)